1. Vitamin D levels: Get your vitamin D levels checked regularly! Vitamin D is a very important vitamin for your cells. It is an immune booster, and it is very necessary for nerve cell function. Without Vitamin D, a person could have many psychological and physical symptoms, mainly fatigue and brain fog. Vitamin D has been shown to be low in people with autoimmune disorders like MS and Autism. A normal amount of vitamin D is 5,000-10,000 IU per day (higher if you are fighting a cold). 
  2. MTHF-R, B12 and Folate: The MTHF-R genetic mutation can wreak havoc in our bodies. It is highly recommended to test for it. This gene is responsible for methylation of B12 and Folate. Our bodies cannot use B12 and Folate without methylation, and without those important vitamins, our body cannot rid itself of toxins, especially heavy metals. This is part of the genetic profile of the many people who have suffered from vaccine injuries. If you have the mutation, you will need to take extra methyl-cobalamin and methyl-folate on a regular basis, and have these vitamins checked on a regular basis with your doctor. If your bloodwork says you are very high in B12, it is a sign you are not able to use it, so checking for the MTHF-R mutation is advisable.  
  3. Zinc and copper. Zinc and copper balance each other. If one is too low, the other is too high. High copper can cause multiple issues related to digestion (diarrhea, black stools, abdominal cramps, nausea/vomiting), mental health (anxiety/irritabilty/overwhelm/depression/mood changes), and headaches. Many people with mental health related illnesses are found to have low zinc/high copper levels in their blood. This can also be caused by a disease called Kryptopyrroluria, in which B6 and zinc are excreted in high amounts through the urine due to an abnormality of hemoglobin synthesis. This condition can cause many mental disorders like the following: schizophrenia, ADHD, autism, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, alcoholism, low tolerance to stress, antisocial behavior, opposition-defiant disorder, and explosive temper. The test for this is a simple urine test, but it needs to be done with a reputable lab due to strict guidelines. If you have not been tested for this, ask your doctor about it. To find out if you are at risk for this problem, there’s also a questionnaire online at https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/pyroluria-questionnaire-from-the-antianxiety-food-solution/ 
  4. TAKE A GOOD FISH OIL! Fish oil is an excellent source of essential fatty acids. Our brain is made up of these fatty acids, and we need to support the growth of more connections in our brains. Fish oil is also excellent for joint health and cardiovascular wellness. This is a supplement that should be used by everyone at all ages. Dr. Amen recommends 1300-4000 mg of fish oil per day, depending on tolerance and needs. There’s a new way to figure out how much fish oil you need! Go to www.omegaquant.com for more information. 
  5. EAT MORE VEGGIES! I’m not trying to sound like your mother, but vegetables provide very important nutrients to our brains. They also help to decrease inflammation, which drives our bodies and brains into pain and dysfunction. Dr. Terry Wahl’s, who wrote the Wahl’s protocol, recommends 9 cups of vegetables per day. That’s 3 cups per meal three times per day! She healed herself from MS, so I’m pretty sure she’s onto something good! She designed a great app for your phone called “MasterHealth”, and it can help you to set goals for yourself to improve your health. I highly recommend it!